Need help? Get in touch!
Applications are closed until the 1st of April.
Our applications are open from the 1st at 8:00 am (UTC+2) until the 3rd at 6:00 pm (UTC+2) of every month.
Please read our Frequently Asked Questions before applying.
If your application gets accepted, we will get in direct contact with you and plan all the further steps up to a week after your application is submitted.
Applications via e-mail are not considered. Only applications through the form are valid.
Due to limited financial resources, we have to prioritize our applications by urgency and impact. After discussions, we decided to set a maximum amount to be granted per application. The amount will be calculated based on the available funds. The limit will be disclosed when applications open. Exceptions could be negotiated depending on the case.
Please consider applying only for the amount you actually need. We do our best to raise as much money and to help as many people as possible. Still, we cannot guarantee that your application will be granted.
Other ways to get in touch
Instagram: @transsafetyemergencyfund
Need non-financial help?
We do our best to connect you with a broad range of people from all walks of life. You can use the same methods to contact us.
Who is eligible?
Everyone who’s not cis gender can apply. If you are trans, non-binary, genderqueer, agender, gender nonconforming or any other non-cis identity, we want to support you. We prioritise needs directly linked to emergency situations such as (but not limited to):
- Basic Living Costs (Food, household items, clothing, public transport etc.)
- Monthly Bills(Electricity, Gas, Internet, Rent/Mortgage, Water, etc.)
- Crucial Medical Bills (Hormones, Medical Recovery, Health Casualties, Therapy, etc.)
- Safety (Self-Defence Courses, Relocation to safer environments)
Sadly, we currently can’t provide financial support for artistic or investment projects.